Monday, August 15, 2011

15 August 2011 The Day Without Nothingness ^^

Without Nothingness

Today is yet anoth3r Day of waking up early.
I wok3 uP @ 7am, washed uP, and shower and was aboUt to iRon my Uniform
then the rain POURED doWn heavily!!!
I felt so dread then (- -")!
After I broUght Bugs & Lizz insid3, I continu3d my ironing!

It was SUPER Drench out there (- -")!
I was WONDERIN3 how I gonna driv3 frm my plaC3 to Payap Uni
However, I can hahahaahX!!!
I was soooOOOO slpy in classes today XD

Let's get to the FUN & EXCIT3D activities today ^^
After My very Firs3 cLASS  toDay we went out to Makro Shopping Centre XD

We walked in and went all around the Centre to look fo3 things we need XD

Angellina, Alathia, Big-M, and Dome left m3 behinD to find their SNACKS XD

I Followed behin3 n took a piCs fo3 my StoRY XD

To the Left, To the Right! That's wher3 they went (- -'')!!!

Makro went Black Out for few Minutes and everybody in it was sCreaMing
and som3 keep calm.
And so, finally we brought a few snaCks n it rained. We went baCk juz in time fo3 the next cla33 XD

Then I went out for a Relaxing dinner n CAM3 BACK to write down my Journal
fo3 today ^^

Thx for a niC3 n Swe3tz Moments!

" you know who you are "

^ ^